Project autism

Based on our own experience with autism, we want to help families with autistic children to significantly increase the quality of their life and integration to society with further active participation on the job market.

How do we achieve this?

We will achieve it via complex individual therapy and application of the latest scientific knowledge – based on our own experience, know-how and contacts for application of proper régime in the families, under expert supervision and by delivering the necessary products and supplements and application of proper diet.

Do you know that?

  • currently in the Czech Republic approximately 100.000 inhabitants live with some autistic spectrum disorder
  • the toxicity of the environment is significantly increased in last 50 years
  • the nutritional value of most currently offered processed foods is significantly deficient, while the share of processed foods compared to basic food components in daily nutrition/diet with different additives is significantly increased in the population
  • the stress of the parents has significantly increased as well as the age when establishing families

Decreased levels of immunoglobulin IgG and IgM are directly connected with disorders in autistic children and indicate to significant disfunction of immune system.
(Research – University of California, Division of Rheumatology, Allergy and Clinical Immunology)

What can you expect?

  • psychiatric & psychologic evaluation (determination of diagnosis) – waiting list up to 1 year
  • examination at specialized authorized state body to approve entitlement for special class (kindergarten, school) – waiting list up to 1 year
  • acceptance to special class – waiting list 1 year or more (special scoring system linked to address, age etc.)
  • examination for approval to be considered for group or individual practice of social skills – waiting list 6 months or longer (not paid by the state, fully paid by parents)
  • acceptance to practical therapeutic and educational program – waiting list 6 months or longer (not paid by the state, fully paid by parents)
  • Absence of the state to compensate autism therapy
  • Lack of authorized professional facilities and personnel (especially outside larger cities)

With current waiting list periods and insufficient geographical coverage, the best approach is daily work in the families:
Understanding the connection between immunity, microbiome, leaky gut, toxicity, mitochondria and autism (blood/brain barrier).
Strengthening immunity and de-toxification of organism significantly increases the ability to focus for children and manage unexpected tasks.

How can we help you?

Based on our story with autism we will help you to find the right direction, we will supply you with needed information and provide you with the necessary products and supplements for application of diet with expert medical supervision.

  • data collection (blood, urine, stool) – entry data for therapy plan determination
  • immunity boosting – food/diet, supplements
  • treating inflammation – food/diet, supplements, laser therapy
  • supplementing of vitamins and minerals
  • de-toxification of the body – food/diet, supplements
  • autistic protocol – phospholipid therapy
  • microbiome – fecal microbiota transplantation
  • creating beneficial environment in the body for proper brain functioning

We’d love to hear your story: